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Keeping Faith (There's always A light at the end of the tunnel)

 Keeping Faith

(There's Always A Light At The End Of The Tunnel)



"Now Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, The evidence of things not seen"

Faith is a complete trust or confidence in something.To live in this world, you need to have faith, you board an aeroplane because you have faith in the pilot to take you to your destination, there are many persons, places and things that we could put our faith in during our lifetime, but when it comes to things eternal we must make sure that we get it right.

"The God whom we worship is not a weak and incompetent God. He is able to beat back gigantic waves of opposition and to bring low prodigious mountains of evil. The ringing testimony of the Christian faith is that God is able" Martin Luther king Jnr

Faith is one of the most central parts of our relationship with God. No matter who we are no matter what our walk in life, there will be trying times for us. These difficult moments test our faith and trust in God. Our faith is tested daily by terrible news, stories that remind us of death and cruelty, by personal troubles, by human failings of our family and friends. And yet the more we live in faith, the better we are able to make our way in the world, to trust in God and his ultimate plan for the human race.

Felix Dawson worked with one of the Multinational Companies in USA, he was the head of operations, Felix is an hardworking, Vibrant, young man who had his whole life ahead of him, he started as an intern after so many years of hardwork and commitment he rose to the position of head of operations, once given a task by his superior he ensures he executes it credibly.

Felix was a devoted Christian, he got involved in everything happening in the Church both financially, morally etc he loved God and all things associated with God, he worked very hard to provide for himself and his family.

He got married some few years ago to his wife Catherine and they had a handsome little boy late the previous year. Catherine worked as a store keeper in a very big pharmaceutical company, Felix never wanted her to work cause his salary was enough to cater for him and his family but Catherine always complained to him that she is tired and bored of sitting down at home all day, so he got her the job, the pay isn't much but then it kept her busy and away from home. Felix had the perfect life but then one would have spoken too soon.

Mr Felix the Chairman would like to see you, Felicia my Secretary told me as I got to work that morning, I hurriedly dropped my laptop in my office and headed straight to the Chairmans office, getting there I saw not just him but the board of directors were all seated ,at first I stood but later on I was offered a sit, at that point I knew something was terribly wrong. The meeting lasted for an hour, in which I was suspended from work due to a negligence on my part I was told to step aside for some weeks while thorough investigation was being done I left my office that day as though that was the last day of my life.

On my way home I branched the Church to see my pastor but was told he wasn't on seat, I headed home no one was home yet my wife had gone to her place of work and my son had gone to school, Catherine got home with my son in the afternoon and she was shocked to see me at home already cause she knew i always worked late, she asked what happened and I explained everything to her, she was confused for a second same way I was earlier in the office that day, but she said we should pray, we prayed that night hoping for the best soon.

Six (6) months went by like a flash and I wasn't recalled back at my office, it was six months of Frustration, pain and sadness, I have been unemployed for six months, my entire savings has been spent on house and family upkeep, have been praying, fasting and still nothing is forth coming.

Felix became withdrawn as the days went by, Catherine was supporting with the house keep with the little salary she earned at her place of work, but the happiness that once existed in their home has since left cause meeting daily needs has become very difficult for them.

"These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" John 16:33

Most times when Catherine gets home, she hardly meets her husband at home, and when he comes back and she tries to speak with him, he shouts on her to leave him alone, Catherine saw Felix as a total stranger now, he had changed drastically since he got suspended from his job, he no longer attends the Church or partake in anything that has to do with the Church.

One particular day, Catherine and her son sat at the Sitting room watching the TV, Suddenly Felix entered, he was totally drunk, he staggered into the house and started shouting, Catherine tried assisting him so that he doesn't fall, he pushed her away and shouted at her that she is the cause of all his problem that she brought him bad luck ever since he married her, Felix kept shouting and then switched off the TV on his wife and son, his son started Crying, Catherine had to carry their son and they left the sitting room, Catherine entered the room and bursted into tears, in the middle of her tears she prayed to God to please help her husband turn back to God.

Some few hours later, Catherine stepped out of the room when their son was already fast asleep, she saw Felix on the floor sleeping, Catherine had tear in her eye, this wasn't what she bargained for, why is all this happening to her, she kept asking herself while she watched Felix sleep on the floor.

The next morning, Catherine hurriedly left the house with her son, before her husband woke up, she didn't want to encounter any of his nagging that morning, after she dropped her son off at the preschool she went straight to the Church, for hours she was there praying at the Altar, she wanted God to intervene in her home, she spent hours praying and crying at the Church, a scripture suddenly dropped in her heart "Trials and Temptation, consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance" (James 1:2-3)

Felix opened his eyes around 12 noon, and he noticed he was sleeping on the floor, as he tried to sit up he felt a big bang on his head, he knew he had drank too much the previous night, he struggled to stand up and headed towards the bathroom, Felix looked at himself in the mirror, he didn't quite understand how he got here, he that had millions in his account, served graciously in the house of God,had fleets of cars, worked in one of the best Multinational Companies, now relegated to a jobless, penniless individual who now found comfort in drinking. Felix for the first time in months had tears in his eyes, he was steadfast in serving God he said to himself, why then did God forsake him, all he needed was answers to all the questions running through his mind, how did he switch from the loving husband and father he was to this Monster he is becoming out of frustration, Felix sat on the bathroom floor crying, and praying then suddenly he heard some words "look to the lord and his strength seek his face always" (Psalm 105:4)

"So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me" ( Act 27:25)

"Be on guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong" (1 Cor 16:13)

Felix sat on the floor in the bathroom as the words came to him, he realised he has been leaning on himself and not on God, he has been trusting in himself and not God, he realised he hasn't put God first in all these issues, infact he has been far away from God, blaming God for everything, he realised he can't get solution to a problem if you are fighting with the solution provider.

Felix was in the bathroom for an hour reflecting on all that has happened, he knew  he had drifted away from God, from his family, when what he is meant to do is move more closer to God and stop blaming him but keep praying and having the faith that all will be well

Felix had his shower and decided to work things out between him and his wife, he got some few food stuff in the kitchen and decide to prepare lunch for his wife and son before they got back from work and school, he cleaned the house and did his Son's laundry, he prepared the dining for their lunch.

Catherine got home with their son and she was surprised to see the whole house well organized, she stepped back again to be sure she entered her own house and not her neighbours, Felix heard the entrance door opened, he came out of the kitchen and saw his wife with his son, he knelt down in front of his wife embracing her by the waist and asking for her forgiveness, Catherine knelt down with her husband and hugged him, all she prayed for in Church today was this, a happy home, even though they didn't have it all, all she wanted was a happy home. Catherine said to herself that God truly answers prayers.

They had lunch together on the dinning table that afternoon like a happy family they've always been, after which they prayed together, Felix stayed back at home that day and enjoyed a good conversation with his wife. Felix discussed with his wife that he has decided to go in search of another job since those that suspended him has refused to call him back, Catherine supported the idea and she was glad he is putting his pieces together.

The next morning they all went out together, Felix went to some few companies to drop his CV, while doing that he noticed a sum of money in his pocket, he suspected Catherine must have kept it there, she does this every week, Felix thanked God for giving him a wife like Catherine, she has been incredibly supportive even when he changed towards her, she still found a way to leave some money for him, even when he shouted at her, she kept quiet most times, she never for once rubbed it on his face that he's jobless, instead she kept treating him like a king. A wife like Catherine is a blessing to any man.

Felix got home in time to prepare lunch for his family, he also did the laundry and the dishes, he rushed down to the church to see the Pastor, the pastor was glad to see him after a long while, they had a long discussion and afterwards the pastor said a word of prayer over him .

After a month Felix got a menial job, he had to do it to support his family, he worked in a factory as one of the floor engineer, the pay wasn't much but it was something, if he got home on time,he would prepare the food for everyone, Felix was at peace with himself, he stopped blaming God and even stopped blaming himself, he decided to live life as it comes.

One morning Catherine felt the need to run some test cause she had been feeling nauseous for some days, she also noticed she missed her period the last month, when she got to the hospital it was discovered that she's six weeks gone, at first she was scared cause she didn't know how Felix would react to the news

Catherine got home and noticed her husband wasn't back yet, she prepared lunch and kept rehearsing how she would tell her husband about the test result. After dinner that day she broke the news to Felix, Felix was very happy, she was glad Felix took the news well, while they were still celebrating the baby news, Felix heard his phone ring, he picked it up and saw it was the Chairman of his former Company, the chairman himself had called to apologise to him for the mix up at the company concerning the case that led to Felix suspension, he explained that the main culprit has been apprehended, Felix was given his job back with a promotion and many other benefits and allowances.

How to rely on your faith during hard times

1) Maintain your faith at all times : Have a genuine relationship with God, don't just seek God for what you hope to get from him, seek him cause you genuinely love him and want to have a genuine relationship with him. Learn to enjoy God's presence, when you enjoy his presence, every other thing will follow, don't be transactional with God.

2) Find Practices that bring you peace: Find time to soak in the word of God, that is the only place you can find solace and comfort, no one can comfort you as much as the bible i.e the word of God would, also confess your sins before God and publicly before a priest for forgiveness and strength to move on.

3) Lay your struggles before God: Another mistake people make is putting all their struggles on themselves, struggling is normal and I would say in many ways it's essential to growing in faith. If we can't go before God in truth then we are not in a right relationship with him, I think we should bring every emotion, fear, doubt, and concern to him. You need to be able to say to God "I am doubting you, I am angry at you, I am feeling torn apart, help me "I think saying out loud how we feel to God allows him to respond back in our heart and through others and there can be spiritual peace.

4) Rely on your Support System: if am not internally able to share my struggles with God, I find a close friend to share my heart with, someone who cares enough to listen- not necessarily to do something. I think it is important that we accept and understand  that we are created for community, for relationships. We need love, support, kindness, hope and confidence to gain strength to deal with the challenges of life, and we find that in and through our relationships.

5) Find the good: Also remember to have a heart of gratitude and find some good in your day, to claim it as good and to tell someone of that good. We need laughter, read a funny book, watch a truly funny movie, remember that God is bigger than your struggles, he is bigger than a bad week and this time on earth will be very short compared to the gift heaven.


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